Packraft Straps

IMG_8281IMG_8282A 70 inch lash strap, made from 1″ webbing and a burly ITW Nexus buckle.

Packrafters aren’t the only folks who need packraft straps, but even in the age of the cargo fly, every packrafter needs some packraft straps.  Some things are too big or too pokey to go in your boat, or need taming off the water (bison hides, for instance).  70 inches is long enough for double lashing of a full expedition pack to standard Alpacka tie downs.

Polypro webbing is light and absorbs minimal water, with 1″ hardwear providing added friction relative to 3/4″.  This webbing is more than strong enough (600 pound working load) for cargo purposes, but shouldn’t be the first choice for improvised rap anchors.  (Jan ’24: current run is khaki nylon webbing with black buckle)

Sold in an changing array of colors.  Buy here.